释义 |
- n.长者;长辈;接骨木;元老
- adj.年纪较长的;(后面不紧跟名词,指两者中的)较年长者
- 网络长老;年长的;年龄较大的
adj.+n. elder brother,elder sister,elder son,elder daughter,elder kim 2. | (后面不紧跟名词,指两者中的)较年长者used without a noun immediately after it to show who is the older of two people |
| the elder of their two sons 他们的两个儿子中年纪较大的那个 |
3. | (用于人名前或后,指同名的两个人中)年龄较大的一个used before or after sb's name to show that they are the older of two people who have the same name |
1. | [pl] 长者;长辈;元老people of greater age, experience and authority |
| Children have no respect for their elders nowadays. 现今的孩子对长辈一点儿也不尊敬。 | | the village elders(= the old and respected people of the village) 村里德高望重的长辈 |
2. | [sing] 比…年长的人a person older than me, etc. |
| He is her elder by several years. 他比她年长几岁。 |
3. | [c] (某些基督教会中的)长老an official in some Christian churches |
4. | [c] 接骨木a small tree with white flowers with a sweet smell (elderflowers ) and bunches of small black berries (elderberries ) |
IDM your elders and betters 前辈;长者people who are older and wiser than you and whom you should respect adj. | | n. | 1. 年长者,长辈;族长;前人,祖先;(教会的)长老 1. 年长者,长辈;族长;前人,祖先;(教会的)长老 |
adj. | 1. born before another, especially within a family, or having more seniority 2. superior to others, either by rank or experience 3. older than someone, especially someone in your family | n. | 1. somebody who was born before somebody else 2. somebody who is higher in rank 3. in some Christian churches, a senior lay member responsible for some aspects of church administration, the pastoral care of church members, and sometimes for teaching and preaching 4. a member of a family, tribal group, or village who is advanced in years and has influence and authority within the community 5. a bush or tree with flat clusters of white flowers and purplish-black berries. 6. someone in your family or community who is older than you 7. a small tree with black berriessmall round fruits 1. somebody who was born before somebody else 2. somebody who is higher in rank 3. in some Christian churches, a senior lay member responsible for some aspects of church administration, the pastoral care of church members, and sometimes for teaching and preaching 4. a member of a family, tribal group, or village who is advanced in years and has influence and authority within the community 5. a bush or tree with flat clusters of white flowers and purplish-black berries. 6. someone in your family or community who is older than you 7. a small tree with black berriessmall round fruits |