标题 | 初中生必读的励志英语名言警句 |
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初中生是身体以及心理生长发育的关键时期,这期间形成的人生观、世界观,很有可能决定了孩子的一生,在线学习网为大家准备了初中生必读的励志英语名言警句,目的是让各位同学能够认清人生的路,珍惜时光、砥砺奋进。![]() 1、我努力,我一定可以成功! I work hard, I can certainly succeed! 2、你不勇敢,没人替你坚强。 You don't brave, no one strong for you. 3、如果心胸不似海,又怎能有海一样的事业。 If your heart is like the sea, and how can sea the same cause. 4、夙兴夜寐,无一日之懈。 Working day and night, there is no slack. 5、停止奋斗,生命也就停止了。 Stop struggling, life is stopped. 6、征服自己的人,就能征服一切! Conquer themselves, we can conquer all! 7、春光不自留,莫怪东风恶。 Spring is not privately owned, don't blame wind of east evil. 8、文明守纪、勤奋进取。 Civilized and law-abiding, hard work and progress. 9、个个爱集体,人人有发展。 All love the collective, and everyone has a development. 10、问渠那得清如许,为有源头活水来。 Ask canal that had so much to have a source. 11、把握现在,成就未来。 Grasp now, the achievements of the future. 12、给每个孩子一片遨翔的晴空。 Give each child a soars in the sky. 13、先做该做的事,再做喜欢的事。 To do the first, and then do what like. 14、博学而不穷,笃行而不倦。 Knowledge and one after another, relentlessly resourceful and tireless. 15、抛弃时间的人,时间也抛弃他。 Abandoning time person, time also abandoned him. 16、问学必有师,讲习必有友。 Asked to learn there will be a teacher, assembly, like friends. 17、拼搏改变命运,励志照亮人生。 Struggle to change destiny, self-help light life. 18、时间就是能力等等发展的地盘。 Time is ability and so on the development of the site. 19、不要等待机会,而要创造机会。 Don't wait for opportunity, but to create opportunities. 20、完成工作的方法是爱惜每一分钟。 Finish the work method is to cherish every minute of it. 21、喜欢一个人,就该让他(她快乐。 Like a person, you should let him (her happy. 22、合理安排时间,就等于节约时间。 Reasonable arrangement of time, is to save time. 23、信心决定一切,细节决定成败。 Confidence is everything, detail decides success or failure. 24、我自信,我出色,我努力,我成功。 I'm confident, I am good, I work hard, I succeed. 25、我们这个世界,从不会给一个伤心的落伍者颁发奖牌。 We are the world, never give a sad laggard awarded MEDALS. 26、我只是不想一辈子活在别人的耻笑中。 I just don't want to live all my life in the others laughed. 27、困难是来帮助你的,但要看你接不接受。 Difficult is to help you, but want to see you don't accept. 28、最美的年龄为最纯的梦想尽最大的努力。 The best age is the most pure dream do our best. 29、撑开自信的帆破浪向前,展示搏击风采。 Open confident sail the waves forward and demonstrates the profiles of the fight. 30、花有重开时人无再少年。 Flowers have to restart without people young again. 31、美好的东西总是与人生的幸福和欢乐相连。 Good things are always connected with happiness and joy in life. 32、并非神仙才能烧瓷器,有志的人可学精手艺。 Is not a fairy to burn porcelain, aspiring people to learn fine workmanship. 33、乐学实学,挑战中考;勤勉向上,成就自我。 Academic practical learning, challenge tests; Diligent upward, achievement of self. 34、身无半亩,心忧天下。读书万卷,志在中华。 Without a half acre, CARES about the world. Read volumes, aim at the Chinese. 35、天下大事,必作于细;天下难事,必作于易。 World affairs, will be in fine; The world is difficult will be easy. 36、今是生活,今是动力,今是行为,今是创作。 This is life, this is the power, this is a behavior, this is a creation. 37、无论头上是怎样的天空,我准备承受任何风暴。 No matter how head is sky, I'm ready to withstand any storm. 38、在人生旅途中没有到达终点,我不会提前下来。 No destination, in the life journey, I won't be down in advance. 39、勤奋是你生命的密码,能译出你一部壮丽的史诗。 Diligence is the password of your life, can translate you a magnificent epic. 40、一步二步三步步步高升,一天两天三天天天向上。 Step two three-step ladder, a day two days three day day day up. 41、人得自知,既然没种去死,那就找点乐子活下去。 People have to know, since no kind of go to dead, then have some fun to live. 42、不奋苦而求速效,只落得少日浮夸,老来窘隘而已。 Don't awake bitter for available, only end up less grandiose, old to embarrassment to ascend. 43、人生的价值,即以其人对于当代所做的工作为尺度。 The value of life, namely to the person to contemporary work for scale. 44、卧薪尝胆,尝破茧而触痛。破釜沉舟,圆金色六月梦。 Service, taste and tenderness. Cross the rubicon, a round golden dream in June. 45、因为有悔,所以披星戴月;因为有梦,所以奋不顾身。 Because there is regret, so travel day and night; Because of dream, so selfless. 46、读不在三更五鼓,功只怕一曝十寒。 Reading is not the night five drum, is work by fits and starts. 47、我们要把人生变成一个科学的梦,然后再把梦变成现实。 We want to turn life into a scientific dream, then the dream into reality. 48、古之成大事者,不惟有超世之才,亦必有坚忍不拔之志。 From time immemorial, into the great is not only the world, also the great fortitudonous ambition. 49、但求日积月累,收获于细微;不要左顾右盼,专注于自我。 But beg accumulate over a long period, the harvest in subtle; Don't glance left and right, the focus on self. |
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