释义 |
rolls是roll的第三人称单数 - n.卷;滚;面包卷;名单
- v.卷;滚;滚动;包卷
- 网络劳斯;罗尔斯;劳斯莱斯系列
过去分词:rolled 现在分词:rolling 第三人称单数:rolls v.+n. roll sleeve,truck roll,roll ball n. reel,cylinder,spool,tube v. bowl,trundle,troll,roll along,move v. | 1. 滚压(草地);辗,轧,辗平,辗薄;用面棍辗薄[擀薄] 3. 滚,转,推滚(桶、车轮等),使(烟、尘土)滚滚上升,滚滚推进(浪、水等);滚动,溜转(眼睛) 7. 横摇,摆动,左右颠簸(船)左右摇摆着航行,(人)踉踉跄跄地走 1. 滚压(草地);辗,轧,辗平,辗薄;用面棍辗薄[擀薄] 3. 滚,转,推滚(桶、车轮等),使(烟、尘土)滚滚上升,滚滚推进(浪、水等);滚动,溜转(眼睛) 7. 横摇,摆动,左右颠簸(船)左右摇摆着航行,(人)踉踉跄跄地走 | n. | 2. (学校、军队等的)点名簿;名单,细目单;公文,案卷;记录;目录 6. (雷等的)轰鸣,隆隆声,(鼓的)疾擂,连敲;(诗、散文等的)朗朗可诵的格调 7. 滚筒机、辗压机、压路机,卷扬辘轳;【装订】压型机 2. (学校、军队等的)点名簿;名单,细目单;公文,案卷;记录;目录 6. (雷等的)轰鸣,隆隆声,(鼓的)疾擂,连敲;(诗、散文等的)朗朗可诵的格调 7. 滚筒机、辗压机、压路机,卷扬辘轳;【装订】压型机 |
v. | 1. to move with repeated turning or rotating motions, or cause something to move in this way 2. to move on wheels or rollers, or cause something to move on wheels or rollers 3. to move in a wheeled vehicle 4. to turn in a complete or partial rotation, or cause something to turn in this way 6. to cause an aircraft to perform a single complete rotation about its lengthwise axis while maintaining the same altitude and direction, or perform such a rotation 7. to lie on the back and move about or from side to side, but without moving very far, often with a writhing motion 8. to be transported by river 10. to achieve a particular number, position, or score by throwing a die or dice 1. to move with repeated turning or rotating motions, or cause something to move in this way 2. to move on wheels or rollers, or cause something to move on wheels or rollers 3. to move in a wheeled vehicle 4. to turn in a complete or partial rotation, or cause something to turn in this way 6. to cause an aircraft to perform a single complete rotation about its lengthwise axis while maintaining the same altitude and direction, or perform such a rotation 7. to lie on the back and move about or from side to side, but without moving very far, often with a writhing motion 8. to be transported by river 10. to achieve a particular number, position, or score by throwing a die or dice | n. | 1. a tube, cylinder, or coil of something, especially something that is wrapped around itself 2. a length of fabric or leather that has pockets to hold tools, medical instruments, or other equipment and can usually be wrapped around itself and tied up 3. a cylindrical wad of bills formed by coiling the wad around itself 4. a small individual bread, usually round or long in shape, or a sandwich made from one 5. a food made by wrapping pastry around a filling or by spreading a filling on something such as sponge cake and wrapping it around itself 6. a repeated turning or rotating motion 8. a midair flight maneuver in which an aircraft maintains the same height and direction while doing a single complete rotation about its lengthwise axis 10. a movement on wheels or rollers 1. a tube, cylinder, or coil of something, especially something that is wrapped around itself 2. a length of fabric or leather that has pockets to hold tools, medical instruments, or other equipment and can usually be wrapped around itself and tied up 3. a cylindrical wad of bills formed by coiling the wad around itself 4. a small individual bread, usually round or long in shape, or a sandwich made from one 5. a food made by wrapping pastry around a filling or by spreading a filling on something such as sponge cake and wrapping it around itself 6. a repeated turning or rotating motion 8. a midair flight maneuver in which an aircraft maintains the same height and direction while doing a single complete rotation about its lengthwise axis 10. a movement on wheels or rollers |