美 [.pi si .em .si aɪ 'eɪ]
英 [.piː siː .em .siː aɪ 'eɪ]
- n.【摄】一种计算机外接接口标准
- 网络个人计算机存储卡国际协会(Personal Computer Memory Card International Association);无线网卡;支持
n. | 1. a specification for extending the internal circuitry that transmits data from one part of a computer to another, used to add memory or connect credit-card-sized peripheral devices. 2. an international organization that has developed a standard for adding memory to personal computers and credit-card size devices. 3. Personal Computer Memory Card Interface Adapter: a very small expansion boardelectronic part for computers, especially laptopssmall computers that can be carried around |