美 [rəʊp]
英 [rəʊp]
- n.绳索;粗绳;线缆;圈绳
- v.用绳子捆(或绑、系);用绳子系牢;捆紧;用套索抓捕(动物)
- 网络夺魂索;挂绳圆珠笔;主绳
1. | [c][u] 粗绳;线缆;绳索very strong thick string made by twisting thinner strings, wires, etc. together |
The rope broke and she fell 50 metres onto the rocks. 绳索断了,她从 50 米的高空摔到了岩石上。 | |
We tied his hands together with rope. 我们用绳子把他的手绑在一起。 | |
The anchor was attached to a length of rope. 铁锚系在一段缆绳上。 | |
Coils of rope lay on the quayside. 码头上放着一盘盘的绳子。 |
2. | [pl] (拳击或摔跤场四周的)围绳,圈绳the fence made of rope that is around the edge of the area where a boxing or wrestling match takes place |
3. | [c] 串在一起的相似的东西a number of similar things attached together by a string or thread |
a rope of pearls 一串珍珠 |
The question was vague, giving the interviewee enough rope to hang herself . 这个问题模棱两可,让参加面试的人胡乱发挥而自毙吧。 |
give sb enough rope
放任自由,任其为所欲为(使其犯错误或出丑)to allow sb freedom to do what they want, especially in the hope that they will make a mistake or look silly
The question was vague, giving the interviewee enough rope to hang herself . 这个问题模棱两可,让参加面试的人胡乱发挥而自毙吧。 |
on the ropes
濒于失败;即将失败very close to being defeated
show sb/know/learn the ropes
向某人演示╱知道╱学会如何做某事to show sb/know/learn how a particular job should be done
1. | 用绳子捆(或绑、系)to tie one person or thing to another with a rope |
The thieves had roped the guard's feet together. 窃贼把门卫的双脚捆在了一起。 | |
I roped the goat to a post. 我把山羊拴在一根柱子上。 |
2. | ~ sth 用绳子系牢;捆紧to tie sth with a rope so that it is held tightly and safely |
I closed and roped the trunk. 我把箱子盖上,用绳子捆结实。 |
3. | ~ sth 用套索抓捕(动物);套to catch an animal by throwing a circle of rope around it |