释义 |
- n.拍;拍打声;类似拍打的声音
- v.拍;(尤指生气地)啪的一声放下;啪地击打(或撞上)
- adv.猛然;径直;恰好;正好
- 网络掌击;打耳光;掴
复数:slaps 过去分词:slapped 现在分词:slapping v. hit,smack,spank,cuff,swipe 1. | [t] ~ sb/sth (+ adv./prep.) (用手掌)打,拍,掴to hit sb/sth with the flat part of your hand |
| She slapped his face hard. 她狠狠给了他一个耳光。 | | She slapped him hard across the face. 她狠狠给了他一个耳光。 | | ‘Congratulations!’ he said, slapping me on the back. “祝贺你!”他拍着我的背说。 |
2. | [t] ~ sth + adv./prep. (尤指生气地)啪的一声放下,随意扔放to put sth on a surface in a quick, careless and often noisy way, especially because you are angry |
| He slapped the newspaper down on the desk. 他啪的一声把报纸摔在桌上。 | | She slapped a $10 bill into my hand. 她啪地把一张 10 元钞票放在我手里。 |
3. | [i] + adv./prep. 啪地击打(或撞上)to hit against sth with the noise of sb being slapped |
| The water slapped against the side of the boat. 水拍击船舷。 |
1. | [c] (用手掌)打,拍,掴the action of hitting sb/sth with the flat part of your hand |
| She gave him a slap across the face. 她打了他一个耳光。 | | He gave me a hearty slap on the back. 他热情地在我背上拍了一下。 |
2. | [sing] 拍打声;类似拍打的声音the noise made by hitting sb/sth with the flat part of your hand; a similar noise made by sth else |
| the gentle slap of water against the shore 水轻轻的拍岸声 |
IDM slap and tickle (informal) (情人之间的)拥抱亲吻enthusiastic kissing and cuddling between lovers a slap in the face 一记耳光;侮辱;打击an action that seems to be intended as a deliberate insult to sb a slap on the wrist (informal) 警告;轻微的惩罚a warning or mild punishment 1. | 猛然;径直straight, and with great force |
| Storming out of her room, she went slap into Luke. 她怒气冲冲地冲出房间,迎面和卢克撞了个满怀。 |
| Their apartment is slap bang in the middle of town. 他们住的公寓恰巧在全城的中心。 |
n. | | v. | 1. (用巴掌或其他扁平东西)打,拍;啪的一声关上(门等) 1. (用巴掌或其他扁平东西)打,拍;啪的一声关上(门等) | adv. | |
n. | 1. a blow made with the open hand or a flat object 2. the noise made by a slap, or something that sounds like it 3. something that rebukes, insults, or hurts 4. make-up, whether for personal everyday use or for the theatre 5. a sharp hit with the palm of the hand 6. the sound of a slap or something similar hitting a surface 1. a blow made with the open hand or a flat object 2. the noise made by a slap, or something that sounds like it 3. something that rebukes, insults, or hurts 4. make-up, whether for personal everyday use or for the theatre 5. a sharp hit with the palm of the hand 6. the sound of a slap or something similar hitting a surface | v. | 1. to hit somebody or something with an open hand or flat object 2. to strike sharply and noisily, as if with a slap 3. to put something down sharply or noisily on something else 4. to put something on, make something, or do something, quickly and carelessly 5. to apply something as a punishment, penalty, or restriction to somebody or something 6. to add something as a punishment or an extra cost 7. smack;strike with the palm of the hand 8. strike with the openhand or with something flat;smack 1. to hit somebody or something with an open hand or flat object 2. to strike sharply and noisily, as if with a slap 3. to put something down sharply or noisily on something else 4. to put something on, make something, or do something, quickly and carelessly 5. to apply something as a punishment, penalty, or restriction to somebody or something 6. to add something as a punishment or an extra cost 7. smack;strike with the palm of the hand 8. strike with the openhand or with something flat;smack | adv. | 1. forcefully, and often with the sound or effect of a slap 2. exactly, and usually with suddenness and force 3. suddenly, with a lot of force |