释义 |
- n.(古希腊、古罗马时期长及膝的)短袍
- 网络长袍;束腰外衣;束腰紧身衣
1. | (古希腊、古罗马时期长及膝的)短袍a loose piece of clothing covering the body down to the knees, usually without sleeves, as worn in ancient Greece and Rome |
2. | (长及臀部,罩于裤或裙外的)女式宽上衣a piece of women's clothing like a tunic , that reaches to the hips and is worn over trousers/pants or a skirt |
3. | (警察、士兵等的)紧身制服上衣a tightly fitting jacket worn as part of a uniform by police officers, soldiers, etc. |
n. | 2. (古罗马、古希腊人的)长达膝盖的外衣;古时穿在铠甲上的战袍 4. (现代妇女运动、舞蹈用的)束腰外衣;〔英国〕平常军[警]服[制服]上衣 5. 【植物;植物学】种皮;鳞茎皮;膜被;原套;【动物;动物学】膜;被囊;【解,动】膜;层 2. (古罗马、古希腊人的)长达膝盖的外衣;古时穿在铠甲上的战袍 4. (现代妇女运动、舞蹈用的)束腰外衣;〔英国〕平常军[警]服[制服]上衣 5. 【植物;植物学】种皮;鳞茎皮;膜被;原套;【动物;动物学】膜;被囊;【解,动】膜;层 |
n. | 1. a loose wide-necked garment that extends to the hip or knee and is usually worn with a belt or gathered at the waist 2. a knee-length garment with sleeves, a round neck, and a loose body worn by men in ancient Rome, or a similar garment worn during the Middle Ages 3. a close-fitting high-collared jacket worn as part of a police or military uniform 4. a short belted dress worn by women when playing some sports 5. a layer of tissue that covers or lines a body part or organ, especially tubular parts such as the blood vessels 6. a dry, often brown and papery covering around a bulb or corm such as of an onion 7. a long loose shirt, usually worn by women 1. a loose wide-necked garment that extends to the hip or knee and is usually worn with a belt or gathered at the waist 2. a knee-length garment with sleeves, a round neck, and a loose body worn by men in ancient Rome, or a similar garment worn during the Middle Ages 3. a close-fitting high-collared jacket worn as part of a police or military uniform 4. a short belted dress worn by women when playing some sports 5. a layer of tissue that covers or lines a body part or organ, especially tubular parts such as the blood vessels 6. a dry, often brown and papery covering around a bulb or corm such as of an onion 7. a long loose shirt, usually worn by women |