释义 |
conventional美 [kən'venʃ(ə)nəl] 英 [kən'venʃ(ə)nəl] - adj.依照惯例的;遵循习俗的;墨守成规的;普通平凡的
- 网络传统的;常规的;习惯的
adj.+n. conventional wisdom,conventional method,conventional view,conventional weapon,conventional design adj. conservative,conformist,straight,predictable,unadventurous 1. | 依照惯例的;遵循习俗的;墨守成规的;普通平凡的tending to follow what is done or considered acceptable by society in general; normal and ordinary, and perhaps not very interesting |
| conventional behaviour/morality 循规蹈矩的行为;传统的道德规范 | | She's very conventional in her views. 她的观点很守旧。 |
2. | [ubn] 传统的;习惯的following what is traditional or the way sth has been done for a long time |
| conventional methods/approaches 传统方法 | | conventional medicine 传统医学 | | It's not a hotel, in the conventional sense, but rather a whole village turned into a hotel. 这不是一家传统意义上的旅馆,而是整个村庄变身而成的度假村。 | | You can use a microwave or cook it in a conventional oven. 你可以用微波炉或传统烤箱烹制。 |
| conventional forces/weapons 常规部队╱武器 | | a conventional power station(= using oil or coal as fuel, rather than nuclear power) 常规电站 |
adj. | 1. conforming to socially accepted customs of behavior or style, especially in a way that lacks imagination 2. using well-established methods or styles 3. relating to a large gathering of people with a common interest or purpose 4. not involving the use of nuclear weapons or energy 5. in law, based or dependent on the consent of the various parties 6. of the usual, traditional, or accepted type, instead of being new and different 7. conventional weapons are guns, bombs, etc. of the usual type, not nuclear weapons. A conventional war is one that does not involve the use of nuclear weapons 8. conventional medical treatments are the type of modern medical treatments based on drugs and operations used by most doctors in Europe, North America, etc. The expression conventional medicine is often used when comparing these methods with alternative medicine. 1. conforming to socially accepted customs of behavior or style, especially in a way that lacks imagination 2. using well-established methods or styles 3. relating to a large gathering of people with a common interest or purpose 4. not involving the use of nuclear weapons or energy 5. in law, based or dependent on the consent of the various parties 6. of the usual, traditional, or accepted type, instead of being new and different 7. conventional weapons are guns, bombs, etc. of the usual type, not nuclear weapons. A conventional war is one that does not involve the use of nuclear weapons 8. conventional medical treatments are the type of modern medical treatments based on drugs and operations used by most doctors in Europe, North America, etc. The expression conventional medicine is often used when comparing these methods with alternative medicine. |