美 [ˈwʌf(ə)l]
英 [ˈwɒf(ə)l]
- v.〈非正式〉胡扯;发表模棱两可的观点
- n.华夫饼;〈非正式〉废话
- 网络松饼;华夫饼干;华夫格
复数:waffles 现在分词:waffling 过去式:waffled
go on,ramble,blabber,babble,equivocate
1. | [c] 华夫饼,蛋奶烘饼(两面有方块图案,常涂以糖浆、奶油等)a crisp flat cake with a pattern of squares on both sides, often eaten with sweet sauce, cream, etc. on top |
a waffle iron(= for making waffles with) 蛋奶烘饼烤模 |
2. | [u] (informal) 胡扯;废话连篇language that uses a lot of words but does not say anything important or interesting |
The report is just full of waffle. 这份报告只是一大堆废话。 |
1. | [i] (informal) ~ (on) (about sth) 胡扯;耍贫嘴;絮叨;胡写to talk or write using a lot of words but without saying anything interesting or important |
The principal waffled on about exam results but no one was listening. 校长絮絮叨叨地谈着考试结果,但是谁也没有听进去。 |
2. | [i] (informal) ~ (on/over sth) 拿不定主意;三心二意to be unable to decide what to do about sth or what you think about sth |
The senator was accused of waffling on major issues. 人们指责参议员在主要问题上立场模糊。 |